1600 East Desert Inn Rd Suite 270Las Vegas, Nevada 89169

Why did you start your business?​

While working for a major tax company, Donovan saw a need for a better service at a better price. He then started DH Financial with the promise of maintaining the highest levels of both customer service and quality of service.

DH Financial started as a part time venture last  2014 in Las Vegas, NV.  We found drive and purpose in providing better service.

In 2018,  Due to the high demand of Financial Service needs, DH Financial had its full launch to fully help everyone achieve Financial Freedom.

DH Financial is here to help you achieve your financial goals as well as resolve any issues you might have. We assist in tax preparation and tax problems, managing numbers, IRS issues, and more. No matter what you need, we will always put your best interest in the forefront.

"Our Vision"

To help and equip people with knowledge to achieve Financial Sucess.

Our Commitment

We make sure to provide Reliable, Responsive, Consistent, and Safe Service to our clients. Our passion to help gives us the drive to  go over and beyond. Seeing someone become successful  is priceless.

Providing accurate information is our ideals. We disclose all information (cost, fees , challenges & etc.) to our clients. We aim to give full-trust to our clients and vice-versa.

As part of providing effective service. We strive to learn new things and improve so that we can help our clients better. We really love feedback and criticism as that is one way for us to grow.

We believe that respect is earned. For us, that is when we give our best performance. We understand that not all things are agreeable by both party. We make sure that we provide Integrity in all situations.

We take ownership of the services we provide. We are open for mistakes and improvements.  

The distance between you and your dreams is your mindset. Our mind is powerful than you think. If we change our mindset now and take action, we will achieve our goals and dreams. But always remember that “Action Cures All”.

Tax Services


Tax Resolution

Financial Classes and Coaching

Our Team

Meet the Team who make DH Financial possible!

Donovan Hill

Founder of DH Financial

My name is Donovan Hill. I am a proud college graduate, father of 4, husband, and the founder/co-owner of DH Financial. I started this company with a goal to provide accounting services with better pricing, a better quality of work and better customer service than all of the major companies in the industry!

Not only have I done that, but, also, I have personally helped my clients reduce their tax liabilities/debts by over $100,000!

I understand what it’s like to work more hours than you sleep, and somehow still not rest easy due to financial stress. So it is my mission to provide families with the knowledge, tools and services that can help them finally live out their dreams!

Jasmine West-Hill

Co-founder of DH Financial

My name is Jasmine West-Hill. I am a proud wife, mother of 4, and co-owner of DH Financial. Over the last decade I have helped many people reach their dreams of buying and renting their first homes, improve their finances, and even start their own businesses.


The one thing that all my clients, at some point, had in common was either they were held back by their financial situation or their credit score; which honestly goes hand and hand 90% of the time.


My goal is to give you everything you need to start managing your personal and business finances, start and grow your business, and change your family’s legacy.

How to Celebrate Independence Day the Right Way

Happy Independence Day! Today is a day where we celebrate the independence of our country, but do we ever stop to think about our own, individual, independence? FINANCIAL independence, that is. Standing on your own two feet, managing your finances and taking care of your loved ones are how we move our lives forward. But if you’re not financially independent, that’s pretty difficult to do. Here are 4 tips on how you can start to become financially independent, or stay that way, so you can celebrate this holiday the right way!

Helping Individuals and Businesses Stay on the Right Financial Track.

We Work With Clients From All Backgrounds

We would like to help you better, book an appointment now!